About Laundritek

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LaundriTek was incorporated in Arizona, Fall of 2001. Founder, Mark Simmons served in the US Air Force for 10 years as a ground support industrial laundry equipment service. He brings 30 plus years of electrical and mechanical knowledge to our organization. LaundriTek represents multiple international lines of commercial laundry machinery and equipments. If you want to learn more about the equipment we work with, don’t forget to check Equipments we work with.


The purpose of LaundriTek, from its inception, is to provide the best commercial laundry equipment available on the international market to our local economy. Our desire is to give customers several options that would custom fit their specific needs. By offering multiple lines, we are able to offer the best of the best to the end user. We specialize in building economical, energy-efficient state-of-the-art laundries. We are proud to serve professional sports, healthcare, hospitality, shirt laundries, and commercial laundry establishments’ needs. If you’re interested in our offerings, be sure to check our services.



Only do business with the best!